Juniper JN0-120 exam answers
Juniper JN0-120 exam answers are helpful for the candidates to pass the test easily. Before candidates decide to take Juniper JN0-120 exam, it is neccessary for the candidates to know the exam details. There are 60 multiple-choice questions in real JN0-120 exam, which will take the candidates 90 minutes to complete the test. The passing grade of Juniper JN0-120 exam is 70%.
Candidates can register Juniper certification JN0-120 exam at Pearson VUE testing center. This Juniper JN0-120 written exam verifies the candidate’s basic understanding of Internet technology and related platform configuration and troubleshooting skills. Juniper JN0-120 exam is designed for experienced networking professionals with beginner to intermediate knowledge of the Juniper Networks E-series platforms.
The JNCIA-E certification is valid for two years. Juniper JN0-120 exam topics cover the following sections: System operation, configuration and troubleshooting, E-series virtual routers, BRAS, routed & bridged 1483, PPP over ATM, PPP over Ethernet, dynamic configuration mode, L2TP, policy management. With the above JN0-120 exam information from Juniper website, candidates can understand the test well.
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